Nákup a predaj pevných, tekutých a plynných palív, predaj elektrickej energie, kovov, hutníckych materiálov a ferozliatin

úvodná stránka


Company profile
Slovenergo was established in the year 1992 as a limited liability company, for an indefinite period of time.

Business name: SLOVENERGO spol. s r.o.
Seat: Ružová dolina 10, 821 09 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Reg. No.: 31 337 091
Tax Reg. No.: 2020314912
Reg. No. VAT: SK 2020314912
Date of origin: 7. 12. 1992
Registration to the Business register in SR: Local Court Bratislava 1, Section Sro, Insertion No. 3893/B

We have been ranking among leading trading companies in Slovakia for more than 20 years. Our main activity is trading with solid fuels. Long-term stable results we achieve in particular due to abundant experiences, sound approach to business partners and loyal employees.
Behind values which we create is a stable team of people. We invest into their professional growth, above standard health care and social program. The company activities in personnel area were evaluated by the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Family within the competition “Employer responsive to family”. SLOVENERGO achieved 2nd place in the category “The most inventive measures taken for family”.

Work team
We are the people who are committed to continuous education and possess long-term experience in trade and financial area. We speak Slovak, Czech, English and Russian.
Our values are represented by:
  • satisfied customer
  • motivation
  • team cooperation and communication
  • creativity and improvement

Quality guarantee
The effectively operating Quality Management System, certified in accordance with the ISO 9001:2008 regulation, guarantees the high quality services the company SLOVENERGO provides for its customers both in Slovakia and abroad. In 2008 we implemented the Environment Management System, in accordance with the ISO 14 001:2004 regulation.